February 5, 2011

Oh man, I made this breakfast burrito for breakfast burrito for breakfas… sorry, got stuck. I made a breakfast burrito this morning. It was so good. Just scrambled egg, ham, cheese, and a tortilla. I like having the eggs end up the same shape as the tortilla. It just fits so well, it makes it more delicious.

Lunch was leftover tuna surprise (or tunapasta, as E calls it). I guess they ate it the night before while I was out… but I can’t seem to remember where I was out. Confusing. Or maybe that was a few nights ago and I’m just eating older leftovers than I realize.

I spent the rest of the day at the studio recording our 5-song EP. It was awesome. Grabbed some dinner at Skylark and man, I’ve heard things about their tater tots. Let me just say, the rumors are true. Damn good. And the pulled pork sandwich was pretty good too.

Later I ate some pistachios.

February 4, 2011

The day started in a rather unusual fashion with some Kashi Autumn Wheat cereal. It’s probably the best (non-sugar) cereal ever invented. I think the best cereal, all inclusive, is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Although, I was also a really big fan of Waffle Crisp. Is that still around?

I brought some leftovers for lunch, that pasta/chicken sausage/broccoli thing I made a few nights back. It really didn’t keep well. I threw most of it out, but not before I attempted to choke down a half dozen bites out of sheer determination. I ended up getting some Wow Bao instead. Kind of a failure as far as the whole “bring your own lunch, eat healthy, save money” thing goes. But Wow Bao is delicious. And not potentially deadly (unlike the lunch I did bring).

Dinner was some interesting salmon patties that A made. I know, ‘interesting’ isn’t usually a good thing in the culinary world… and it wasn’t. She seemed to really like them, but I just thought they were ok. Oh well, no harm done. I ended up making myself a mini pizza on an English muffin, which I’m pretty sure qualifies me for Mensa. That shit was genius.

February 3, 2011

I’ll be honest… I didn’t take a picture of a single thing I ate today. First time that’s happened, and I’m kind of sad about it, but I just never remembered. I’m also pretty ashamed of my dinner… but I had an excuse. We’ll get to that later.

Breakfast was a breakfast sandwich. I asked E if he wanted one, but he said he wanted cereal so I poured him a bowl. Then he decided he wanted an egg-in-nest, which drives me crazy. You made the decision to eat cereal, now you have to eat it. And like it. Ugh, kids.

Lunch was leftover pork shoulder thing from the night before. Man, that stuff is so good. I wish A and E liked it, but I don’t know if I’ll get to make it again. I thought I had a one o’clock meeting, so I ate it really fast. Turns out the meeting was rescheduled, so I just ended up slightly uncomfortable.

One of my coworkers is leaving after this week, so we had a going away party for him after work. That means I ate lots of fried things: shrimp, chicken, cheese. All delicious, all horrible for me. It’s pretty much the first time in over a month that I’ve eaten something fried (minus some french fries), so that’s not bad. I’ll consider this my binge.

I’ll be back to photographing tomorrow. Sorry 😦

In this metaphor, I am the car and the inability to photograph my food is the moose.

February 2, 2011

Today is a snow day. I haven’t had one of those in years. But this one is deserved. I’ve never seen snow like this, and it’s awesome.

Breakfast was (surprise) a breakfast sandwich. Ham, egg, cheese, sriracha on an english muffin. Perfection.

After a LOT of shoveling just to get out our front gate, I made some quesadillas for A and E. More or less a breakfast sandwich on a tortilla, minus the egg. Though now that I say that, I want to put an egg on it. Maybe next time. Also stole a couple slices of apple from E.

Because it’s hard to entertain a 4 year-old for an entire day, we set E up with a movie and I ate some popcorn with him. No matter how many times he watches Ice Age 3, he never EVER gets tired of it.

For dinner I made this awesome pork shoulder in the slowcooker. Had onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, and some fun spices I’d never used before, served over some brown rice. A and E liked the pork, but not the other stuff. I thought it was fantastic and scarfed it up.

Later ate some yogurt and a small bowl of cereal because, well… because. So there.

A Month of Food

First of all, I want to say thank to everyone who’s read the blog and given me feed back. Especially the r/food community on Reddit.

I’ve got a month of this under my belt, and the same question seems to come up when people ask me about why I’m doing this. “Has seeing what you eat every day made you eat better?”

As of right now, I think the answer is no. I don’t think I ate poorly before, but I also don’t think my eating habits have changed because of this. I will say, however, that one thing has changed my eating habits. I’m getting married in about 5 months, and we’re on a tight budget. I’ve had to stop eating out.

I didn’t eat out too often, but I’d usually go out to lunch once or twice a week, and that adds up fast. I’ve been bringing my lunch much more often now, and 9 times out of 10 it’s leftovers from the night before. Not only does this save money, but I’m sure that the food we cook at home is healthier than most anything I’ll find at the restaurants around my work.

I’ve also had people ask why I don’t photograph or record beverages. Simple answer: I’m lazy. It’s hard enough capturing everything I eat, and adding the drinks into that would probably cause me to just stop this project.

To give you a general idea of what I drink in a day, I’d say about 3 cups of water, 2 cups of coffee, 1 glass of milk (why don’t we say “cup of milk”?), and usually 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks in the evening. I’m sure the alcohol is more than I should… but I also read stuff about 2 drinks a day being beneficial. I’ll choose to go with the latter.

Thanks for your continued support in this, and please feel free to leave any comments or feed back on my posts if you’re so inclined!

February 1, 2011

Not the best way to start off the month. I forgot to photograph half my food today! I blame it on all the commotion about the storm of the century. We had a crazy blizzard (that wasn’t that crazy), and my eating schedule was all off.

Breakfast was an egg-in-nest (if you’ll recall, that’s like a bullseye or a toad-in-hole depending on your preferred nomenclature). When I got into work, I had a meeting from 9-11 and they had bagels there, so I ended up eating on of those as well.

I went to the gym over lunch and got back just in time for my 1 o’clock which lasted until 2:30. Then I finally got to eat lunch (some left over southwestern chili). By this time they had announced the closing of the office due to the storm, so I just plowed through the chili and got the hell outta there.

For dinner I made us some broccoli and chicken sausage pasta. I spruced up the recipe a bit by adding in some garlic and cherry tomatoes. Aren’t I the clever chef? And because I was so bad at photographing my food today, I went ahead and took a picture of my digestif (sounds fancier when I call it that). A big honkin’ glass of Maker’s. Mmm mm good.

January 31, 2011

In light of that whole high blood pressure thing from last week, I decided that maybe I shouldn’t eat eggs every day. So this morning I had some Kashi shredded wheat. Stuff is really good, full of fiber, and is all whole grain. Certainly better than Honey Nut Cheerios or something.

Lunch was, yet again, mushu pork. One dinner lasted me another two lunches. That’s pretty economical. Also had some baby carrots. I think I could probably eat about a thousand baby carrots. Partly because I like them, but mainly because I’ve always wondered just how orange I could turn myself.

My usual mid-afternoon snack of almonds was had. That finished off the bag, and I’m wondering if I should get another. I mean, as a snack, you don’t get much better than almonds… but I’m kinda sick of them. What else would be good that I could mix it up with?

For dinner I made us some ravioli (half Gorgonzola stuffed, half spinach stuffed) with spinach, bacon, and Parmesan. Super simple recipe (yes, it’s actually a recipe). Pretty much, cook the bacon, crumble it, wilt the spinach in the bacon grease (they say use olive oil, but why let perfectly good bacon grease go to waste?!), add a touch of lemon juice and toss with the ravioli. Top with Parmesan.

Come to think of it, I can’t believe someone actually considered that creative enough to write it down. I should write a cook book. Everything in bacon grease.

I hate the movie Grease.

January 30, 2011

In a break from all things normal, I ate a waffle. That was a fun sentence to type.

A made waffles, and though I’m not too fond of pancakes, I do like waffles. No clue why, since they’re made from the same batter. Sometimes I just crave an Eggo (her’s were homemade though!) I put some peanut butter and just a bit of maple syrup on it. Delicious. Also had a side of bacon, because I am a man who loves bacon. No further explanation needed.

I didn’t really eat lunch, per say, today. I was home alone for a good chunk of the day with A and E out at soccer practice and a birthday party. So I had some leftover pad thai, a Greek yogurt with pomegranate (there were actually seeds in the yogurt, crazy!), and some more leftover mushu pork. The pad thai was from one of my favorite Thai places in the city, Aroy Thai, but the mushu (if you’ll remember) was homemade.

Much to my chagrin, when A got home she brought with her the remain of a chocolate-frosted Dinkle’s donut. I’d be a fool not to eat that, so I did. Because I ain’t no fool.

For dinner, I made a “southwestern” chili. I think they called it that because it had corn and black beans. It was actually really really good. Oh, and carrots! Who the hell puts carrots in chili? *two thumbs* this guy! Plus, I used a pound of ground beef when it called for only 1/2 pound. Because really, a half a pound of beef isn’t nearly enough beef. I like it beefy.

January 29, 2011

I love weekend mornings. I can actually slow down a bit, enjoy making breakfast with my family, and just have a great start to the day.

This morning, A made pancakes (with chocolate chips for E and blueberries for her). I opt out of pancakes usually; just not my thing. I was in charge of the bacon and coffee. I’m pretty good at both of those. We always try to get the bacon that’s nitrate/nitrite free, uncured and all that good stuff. Hormel actually makes a pretty good kind and that’s what we had today.

I fried up a couple eggs in the bacon grease for myself. Little pieces of bacon cooked inside your eggs is one of the simple pleasures in life.

We had a bunch of errands to run, and A had some wedding event she was going to, so E and I headed off on an adventure filled morning. We ended up going to Bacci’s Pizza since he had been really good and requested pizza for lunch. I had never been to a Bacci’s before, but apparently their “thing” is HUGE-ASS pieces of pizza. See that picture? No, that’s not a child’s hand. That’s my monstrous mitt. And I ate 95% of it. Blurg.

For dinner, A made mushu pork; a new dish outside our normal cooking prowess. It was fantastic! Wrapped it up in a tortilla with a little sriracha and mmmmmmmm. Can’t wait to have some for lunch tomorrow.

Flash back to the morning errands, and E had been on good behavior so I let him pick out a treat. He chose Toy Story cupcakes. I ate one. It was good, in a bad way.

January 28, 2011

This morning’s breakfast was suspiciously similar to dinner on the 26th. That’s because it’s the same thing. One chicken/apple sausage and a scrambled egg. A nice start, me thinks.

I ate a turkey sandwich around 12:15 on an english muffin because we were out of bread. Also had some carrots. You’ll note a lack of pictures of the carrots and the sandwich. I suck. But I did get a photo of the nuts I ate too!!! Then, around 12:45, I was asked if I wanted to go to Monk’s. I can’t say no. So I just had some chicken soup there (and a couple delicious beers.)

The late afternoon saw some pork rind snacking. I successfully didn’t eat the whole bag, so I think the health benefits actually outweigh the amount of sodium. Sweet.

For dinner, A made some delicious pork chops and a butter bean and spinach salad. I helped minimally, but really just with some cutting and prep work. On Top Chef, they probably would have said “We really don’t see you in this dish.” It was still yummy.